Sunday, April 8, 2018

This Dem supports Trump, but he's confused

First, review this confused pressings points:

The main reasons I will never support Trump are actually very simple. I expect in any politician I could find things I like and things I don't,but I expect overall that I should be able to point my kid at a President as being a role model and someone worthy of emulating, while this President says and does things on a daily basis that I'd punish my own children for saying.
In my eyes this gentlemen had decided to make excuses and forgive and foget a long list of unacceptable, unforgivable details to cherry pick things he's happy about. For example, maybe he's glad Trump puts down media. On the other hand what's the end game? Does he know anything about history, and why there's a need for a free press? Does he understand what countries look like that don't have these things? So to rail against whatever press may be in place, but not talk about how to improve it or what should happen after damaging the current press... is to simply damage the press and with it democracy itself.  And that's what Trump is doing today.  His reasons are not knoble or effective.  They are simply a political plot to give his base an excuse to ignore all the bad stuff the press is reporting on Trump... be it valid or not.  That's is... they may end up ignoring every valid need story too instead of choosing each in good faith in case it may be real.
This guy sounds to me more like an anarchist. He was going to like anyone who could just rip down everything that was in place already. I didn't want Clinton or standard politics but I don't want to just burn everything down either. I want orderly improvements by smart, considerate, compassionate unifiers who can be looked up to as models of what Americans should be. Obama was that. Trump... if he represents what America wants to be I'll be moving away from this country. I'm only willing to stay because I expect America will come to their senses and decide unity and morality matter again. We see it already in so many Dems being elected in red states. Not that "Dems" are the lone answer... but I think the point is that the masses realize they went to far electing this vile human being to the most powerful office in the world.
And this confused hippy anarchist needs to stop sweeping the forrest under the rug just for the trees.  I'm sure Putin, Hitler, Stalin, Kim Jung Un all had a few policies we'd all like.  The issue isn't just the policies you like, but the rest of what must be ensured in a leader to get them. Trump... is not the USA.  He's an expression of anger by the uneducated if we're going to be honest. He's just an outburst that we need to overcome same as when our children, or parents, or spouses have an outburst. It's damage that needs to be fixed.

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