Wednesday, April 25, 2018

...most sincere appreciation to anyone who gives me a few minutes of thought on this one. What would motivate you to engage on my blog page? Money? Prizes? I need ideas!

Hey guys,

So on Facebook, for a lot of years now, easily over a decade, I've engaged in political discourse with a significant response from a high percentage of different Facebook friends.  I've moved my political posting over to Blogger in an effort, frankly, to see if I can turn blogging into a vehicle that may get me known and/or turn into a minor income stream. 

I know I say things that interest people, people who agree.  People who disagree.  I know people like to engage in responding, debating, dialoging with each other as a result.  I've have Facebook responses to an original post number in the hundreds, with a friends list of maybe 700 people or even less people when the posts were restricted to my own private politics Facebook group.  That is, in the past my posts haven't been exposed to very many people, yet there's been enough interest to generate large quantities of dialog.

Yet since moving to Blogger and posting 10s of posts, no one has responded on Blogger.  It should be pretty easy.  For Facebook users, you click the post to go read my article, and within the article, at the bottom somewhere there is a link to respond.  You shouldn't have to register for anything.  You just type a response.

Yet I'm still waiting for response #1 on Blogger.  My own family has not thrown me a bone.  lol  I would like to dwarf Rush Limbaugh or Rachael Maddow some day, but it start with this: can I simply get just one response?  I think to myself: does no one want to be the famous first responder?  I find it hard to believe?

So this post is meant to ask for your help?  What can I do on a limited budget to motivate more Blogger responses?  Can I pay something per response?  Can I create some kind of contest?  I need help from a marketing expert I guess, ideally.  What can I do so that you, my Facebook followers and frequent comments (as a first step) will continue to do what you always did and respond as you have always responded, but over on Blogger?  I will generate my own ideas in any case, but most sincere appreciation to anyone who gives me  a few minutes of thought on this one.  Respond to this in any way you want.  Send me an email.  Maybe use it as your first Blogger response.  Respond however you will.  But to those who respond somehow I will truly be grateful!  I need to get this thing moving!

Monday, April 23, 2018

Kellanne Conway is a low class scumbag.

Melania Trump, from pictures I've seen, likes the Obamas better than she likes her own husband.  Kellyanne Conway is mad because *her* husband dissed her in tweets because he's a sane person who can't stand Trump like most other sane people.  So here's scumbag Kelkyanne bad plastic surgery Conway trying to come at the the most moral, intelligent, kind first family to occupy the whitehouse in decades, and drive a wedge between Michelle and Melania at the same time.

Please take your weak presidential sugar daddy and crawl under a rock with him where the two of you belong.  Don't blame Michelle because your husband doesn't like you anymore.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Hmm. Kellyanne Conway projecting a little bit maybe? Her anger makes me think they may be on the verge of divorce.

Seems like Dana Bash asking a light hearted question unearthed some real trama/drama for Conway.  Might be time Conway looks in the mirror and in her own house for the source of her angst.

Ellen says she's ashamed as a white person. I'm not ashamed as a white person...

So, in thinking about this idea that white people should feel ashamed, I don't feel ashamed due to my racial identity.  I just don't feel that. I absolutely think race based discrepancies and racism need to be wiped out, but I would never do these things to a person, and I don't think the majority of white people would. Way too many, but not enough to simply refer to "white people" as acting that way.

Further, I feel like it lumps me into the wrong group.  I simply do not associate myself with racists.  Period. And I feel like... looking at myself as a white person who is part of that group would be just as bad as if I judged anyone else only by the color of their skin. Rascist are assholes.  I'm not an asshole just because some other asshole has the same color of skin that I do.

So I think when someone like Ellen claims to be ashamed based on their own skin color we need to be real careful that they are not simply falling in line with their political identity, same as many Fox news viewers.  We get it Ellen.  You are liberal.  But don't act the stereotype at the detriment of actual progress.

If we want to improve race relations one thing required will be to stop seeing all actions through a lens of race. Racists are assholes. Racists... can be any color.  And Racists should be blamed as a group for racism.  I'm just a white guy.  And I'm on the side of and will fight for any victim of racism.  But I'm not blaming myself for being a white guy because some other white guy is an asshole.  I think that line of thought might actually be racist and perpetuate exactly the focus on race that I hope becomes moot and inconsequential some day...

Friday, April 20, 2018

DNC sues Trump!

Wow!  It's like Trump is OJ.  They may have a harder time criminally, but the DNC can get Trump and Russia and make that connection civilly.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Monday, April 16, 2018

Try and tell me this MFer isn't in Russia's pocket.

Had blog posters try and tell me recent activity means Trump isn't in Putin Russia's back pocket.  Talk is talk.  Here's where the rubber hits the road.  Trump halts sanctions.  Try and tell me this wasn't Putin calling and saying "look Trump, you bombed Syria to quell questions.  We get that.  But on these few billion dollars over here, did you forget what we have on you??"

Russian stocks, ruble jump after report Trump halted further sanctions -

Saturday, April 14, 2018

I'm confused about the attack on Syria.

So... we've been at war with ISIS, right?  Didn't we also want regime change in Syria?  And weren't we attacking Syria anyhow? I don't understand how this strike "against Syria" is new.  If we started supporting the Assad regime and agreed to leave them in place, media is doing a terrible job because they never told me that. 

Did Russia move in there and we just backed off all of our goals?  Hello media??  Please explain what 's happened over the last 10 years...

Friday, April 13, 2018

Russia issues ominous warning of 'consequences' for US-led strike on Syria

Umm, is anyone else worried or business as usual?  This sh*t could get out of hand...

Wilson: Trump Vile and Dispicable. I couldn't agree more...

Trump pardons Scooter Libby. Talk about Shaxoe government...

This is the shadow government flagrantly flicking off the rule of law.  This is probably Trump ensuring his own pardon...

If Trump fires Mueller, protest in the streets!!!

Here are specifics that you should do if you care about this extreme corruption, similar to Nixon:

Trump plans to pardon Libby. This is pure, overt corruption!

President Trump plans to pardon former Cheney chief of staff Scooter Libby.  See, the Republican party are all overly corrupt!  We cannot have this.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Trump will be in jail and Hannity will be like "no big deal"

Hannity says Cohen FBI raid is no big deal.  Can't wait to hear what he says when Trump goes to jail. "He'll just run the country from jail."

Continuing support from a jackass, for a jackass.

Dear God Florida be smart. Scott has held back financial progress like a madman. Big money showdown in Florida: Scott vs. Nelson

Dear God Florida be smart.  Scott has held back financial progress like a madman. Big money showdown in Florida: Scott vs. Nelson is shaping up to be 'one of the most expensive Senate races ever' 

Donald calling a guy "crazy Jew." Such a great man.

No problem.  1) Locker room talk.  2) Happened a long time ago.  It will take more than racial slurs to tarnish this great President's image.

I would love to hear some right wing crazy try to defend this.

Sunday, April 8, 2018

This Dem supports Trump, but he's confused

First, review this confused pressings points:

The main reasons I will never support Trump are actually very simple. I expect in any politician I could find things I like and things I don't,but I expect overall that I should be able to point my kid at a President as being a role model and someone worthy of emulating, while this President says and does things on a daily basis that I'd punish my own children for saying.
In my eyes this gentlemen had decided to make excuses and forgive and foget a long list of unacceptable, unforgivable details to cherry pick things he's happy about. For example, maybe he's glad Trump puts down media. On the other hand what's the end game? Does he know anything about history, and why there's a need for a free press? Does he understand what countries look like that don't have these things? So to rail against whatever press may be in place, but not talk about how to improve it or what should happen after damaging the current press... is to simply damage the press and with it democracy itself.  And that's what Trump is doing today.  His reasons are not knoble or effective.  They are simply a political plot to give his base an excuse to ignore all the bad stuff the press is reporting on Trump... be it valid or not.  That's is... they may end up ignoring every valid need story too instead of choosing each in good faith in case it may be real.
This guy sounds to me more like an anarchist. He was going to like anyone who could just rip down everything that was in place already. I didn't want Clinton or standard politics but I don't want to just burn everything down either. I want orderly improvements by smart, considerate, compassionate unifiers who can be looked up to as models of what Americans should be. Obama was that. Trump... if he represents what America wants to be I'll be moving away from this country. I'm only willing to stay because I expect America will come to their senses and decide unity and morality matter again. We see it already in so many Dems being elected in red states. Not that "Dems" are the lone answer... but I think the point is that the masses realize they went to far electing this vile human being to the most powerful office in the world.
And this confused hippy anarchist needs to stop sweeping the forrest under the rug just for the trees.  I'm sure Putin, Hitler, Stalin, Kim Jung Un all had a few policies we'd all like.  The issue isn't just the policies you like, but the rest of what must be ensured in a leader to get them. Trump... is not the USA.  He's an expression of anger by the uneducated if we're going to be honest. He's just an outburst that we need to overcome same as when our children, or parents, or spouses have an outburst. It's damage that needs to be fixed.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

Maybe we forget what a real leader sounds like. Guts are saying what might get you killed.

Here's why I left the Democrats...

If this person led the party I'd be right there with her, but she's calling out the heart of the problems with the Democratic party that had led to so many losses including the Presidency.  I won't go back until I know for a fact the budgetary agenda isn't designed to take care of some fat cats.

Friday, April 6, 2018

Rut Roh. Trumps richest friends breaking with him on trade.

You wanna see Trump get impeached? Wait until he crashes the market and the big money start having their hedge funds cut in half.  Here thry come already:

Gowdy gets real about what the GOP and DC politics really are, and calls it quits!

This is why our country is in serious trouble politically.  Here's a guy even on the right who thought he was going to come in and set the world on fire, and gets squashed like a bug under partisanship the minute he's not 100% in line with what he's told to say and so.  The chilling thought: what's this mean about people that stay??

Trump's Trade policy might implode everything

@Steve will say all stories are negative on the economy.  I would say they are getting (appropriately) worse.
As pressure mounts on Trump he's reverting to what he knows.  Run the USA like a casino.  Just throw some darts at the board, be outragous and carefree and see what happens.

Donald Trump Says He Didn’t Know About Stormy Daniels Payment

Does anyone on Earth believe this one???  When he gets nailed, let's not forget things like this that he straight up lied about: